So in the next 3-5 days I'll be hitting my 4th weight-loss goal: 227 lbs. Now that doesn't sound like much of a goal-like number, does it? Usually it's something that ends in 00, or maybe the 1st digit drops by one. Well my goals are generally determined by numbers that mean something to me; something that resonates in me as special.
So what's so special about 227? It just so happens to be the lowest weight I've been as an adult. Somewhere in the late 80s or early 90s I was there for a brief moment, before celebrating with an entire bag of pizza rolls washed down with 4 cans of Dr. Pepper (this was before 20oz plastic bottles were widely available).
When I was a child, if you told me I'd weigh in at 227 one day, I'd have found it preposterous. "I couldn't get THAT fat!" 8 months ago, the thought of 227 was something that seemed near-impossible to reach. I might as well run a marathon without training. I find it wondrous that the perception of being 227 could change so dramatically, even for the same person.
He might want to get that mole checked out
So you're probably wondering what my 1st 3 goals were, right? Okay I know you weren't, but just humor me. #1 was 290 - as stated on my DL (fucked up thing was, I was less than that when I had the pic taken...I knew I was going to balloon up); #2 was 275 - what I considered my normal "walking around" weight (that's even more fucked up than my DL. Who in their right mind would think that's normal?); Goal #3 was 245 - stated weight on my 1st DL (that was just a guess. I know I weighed in at 240 as a 1st semester freshman, thanks to Mr. Carpino's mandatory wrestling class in P.E. There were only 3 of us in the heavyweight division; finished 2nd).
Only when I hit goal #5 will I cave in to the popular "finally in Onederland" that is so prevalent on dieting forums these days. In reality, it's just the end of phase I of my goals. I'll have proven I can lose weight over a long period of time. I'm on pace for hitting this about mid-November. 120 lbs in 13 months would be something to be really proud of, it my book.
So what is phase II? How many phases are there? I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU AND YOUR RAPID-FIRE QUESTIONS! Sorry. It's late, I have a cold, and bowled crappy tonight. We were in 1st place, but we got killed in games 1 & 2, and I blame myself because I was running late and didn't get any warmup shots. I did score some awesome deals on back issues at Maximum Comics #2 though. OH YOU'RE STILL HERE? LET ME CONTINUE.
Sean Bean will die a violent death as I near my goal
I have no idea how many phases there will be. I'm no future planner type guy, surely that is evident. But my hope is that phase II will be the time where I find out what my ideal body weight is. That is something that in my mind, everybody should know about themselves. I have no idea. For the longest time, as obese persons are wont to do, I'd say that I was big boned. Yeah, nobody bought that. A fat person will hope they're big boned, but the only skinny person who hopes for that would be an aspiring football player (American football, foreigners!*).
I'm going to assume that phase II will take longer and be more frustrating than phase I. I usually hope for the best but in this case I'm very cautious - it's unknown territory from here on out. I have in my mind that I could actually get down to 158 or so. I really don't think I have that much muscle on me. I can't bench for shit. As much as I hope for it to be true, I don't think carrying extra weight on one's frame builds muscle. I don't now nor ever have lifted weights. I bought some nice dumbbells a few months back, but they still are yet to be unboxed. I have some irrational fear that I will commence a program and subsequently injure myself, thereby curtailing all physical activity (golf, bowling, sexytime).
I really would love to hit 158 though, just so I could say "I'm half the man I used to be." God that sounds so trivial. I think I need therapy. Anyway, at least at that weight, I'd most assuredly have no trace of my moobs, right? Damn that would piss me off, to be ultra skinny and still have moobs.