Monday, September 10, 2012

Is it September Already?

So tomorrow, an event will take place that only happens once every 15 years or so.  You probably read about it in the local newspaper, as it has a pretty big impact on the community, both financially and spiritually.

I'm canceling my TV service.

I've done this once before, when I lived in a small condo in Walnut Creek.  I had one of those illegal converter boxes that the cable company had figured out how to disable.  I couldn't live with just the "basic" channels, and couldn't afford the premiums.  I think I ended up giving it to a coworker as it seemed to work with his cable system still.

I guesstimate I went without TV for about 9-12 months that time.  For the life of me I can't remember what I did during that extended blackout.  I know I read a bit more back then than I do now.  I probably did a bit more bowling.  And eating out.

This time, I'm not sure how long I can go.  Yesterday was the 1st full day of NFL games, and for a good 7 hours I was stuck to the couch.  And for almost 2 months there will be overlap with MLB, which has my beloved Giants going deep into the playoffs.  So why am I doing this?

Prevention.  I'm getting to know myself pretty well these days, and I already know my weaknesses. Sitting in front of a TV all weekend is not conducive to living the lifestyle I want to lead.  It will tempt me back into sloth mode, something I was trapped in for so long.

I'll probably still watch a fair amount of games - mostly 49ers - at a local bar or sports book.  It's too hard to go cold turkey like that.  I can listen to games on the radio too, when the mood hits. But I am eliminating the boob tube from the equation so I can focus more on my current hobbies: exercise, books, golf, and hopefully cooking.  I need to learn my way around a kitchen.  I've been resting on my culinary laurels since my 7th grade Home Ec class.  These days, if I can cook 3 eggs in a row without breaking a yolk, I treat myself to an omelet as a reward (get it?).

Another area of improvement I need to address is my house.  It's in need of tens, if not dozens, of fixes/upgrades.  I've been lucky that nothing major has broken lately (bless the A/C gods!).  Most of the things on my list I'll be able to handle myself, I just need to eliminate distractions from my life.  I really need to be ready for when the RE market booms again and I can sell this baby. (HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA did you get THAT?)

Diet update:  July didn't go so hot for me; I had a couple of cheat days that really stalled me.  But August was pretty decent, lost about 10 lbs or so, which put me at 99lbs down in exactly 10 months. I even spent a week in Maui and came back 3 lbs lighter.  Take that, King Kamehameha!
That leaves me with 21 more to go in 60 days to hit my next goal.  As long as I get close, I'll be happy.

You never know who you'll see at the top of a volcano.
The 2nd Most Interesting Man in the World
Volcanoes think HE's hot!

I still don't have any low carb converts yet though, which is a bit perplexing to me.  I've sent about a half dozen folks to, but I don't think anyone as of yet has taken the plunge. Yeah, I know, low carb is not the only way to lose, but for me it's been a godsend.  Without a doubt the easiest path for me.  I now weigh what I was in 7th grade.  A year ago there is no way in purgatory I thought that would be possible.  If you think you can't, you're wrong.  Well I mean if you think you can't, you're right.  You know what I mean.

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